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Monday, October 02, 2006

Day of Atonement?

So is it a coincidence that we have a series of high profile school shootings, a major Republican sex scandal involving underage pages, George Allen's pathological bigotry (read rebel flag & hangman's noose) and potty mouth, as well as major revelations of incompetance and lies from Condi, the Madame of Mendacity, Rhummy Von Doom, and of course, The Last Crusader himself...George the Chicken Hearted? Of course not. There's a reason why personal debt rates are higher in red states, the divorce rates are higher in red states, teen pregnancies are higher in red states, adultery rates are higher in red states, alcoholism rates are higher in red states, more meth labs are in red states - (those numbers are well documented in the MSM folks) because the wages of hypocrisy are always paid in sin.

People can't entertain two conflicting points of view at the same time and yet, that's exactly what the GOP is asking Americans to do. Uniting while dividing, moralzing in the midst of immoral war, compassionate conservatism, lobbyists in control of major government agencies - it's chillingly Orwellian in its scope and brazeness. The contradictions they've institutionalized puts us at war not only with our enemies, but with our friends, allies, & our own common sense. Hence why everything this administration touches turns to dross & why so many Americans' worst instincts & impulses are suddenly blooming like poppy fields in Afghanistan. The wages of hypocrisy are always paid in sin.

John Quincy Adam's famous quote comes to mind - "Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws."

I'm also reminded of the old joke - "God is coming and boy is She pissed..."

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