The nexus between Art, Commerce, & Social Influence

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Draft or On-the-Rocks?

It is of course apparent to anyone following the deepening morass that is Iraq that we are now at a significant crossroad in the conflict. If, as the Last Crusader George the Chicken Hearted says, that the battle against "IslamoFascism" is the defining conflict of the 21st Century and one that that we cannot afford to "lose", than clearly, we must do everything possible to "win".

(Let's be precise once and for all - we are fighting radical islamic fundamentalism. Fascism is the union of corporations with a centralized, authoritarian, nationalist state. The folks we're fighting are against the whole concept of nation state and seek to establish a supranational islamic caliphate. What we have with BushCo is Fascism. Ok?)

If we contine using the strategy and tactics employed thus far we are guaranteed to "lose". We do not have enough troops and the army is streatched too thin to "win" - however winning is defined. So what is to be done? Clearly the elephant in the room is the draft. If we are to win this war, we need troops. The only way to get troops is the draft. But the draft, next to Social Security, is the other 3rd rail of American politics. And we were told after 9/11 that no sacrifices would be required. We would have candy and flowers in Iraq and tax cuts for all. So to actually require sacrifice at this juncture - with support for the war at an all time low and the GOP running scared in a sea of scandals - is simply not an option. Democrats have been villified for cutting and running and granted they have been singularly ineffective in their opposition to the war thus far, but time and event have transpired in such a way as to demand that BushCo and the GOP lay it on the line before a major election. Do they really want to win their war or has it only been about the politics all along? As Robert Foster Bennett said "Stupidity trumps Machiavelli almost every time when you are looking for an explanation." Only the Decider can decide that now...

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