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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

BushCo's Blue Dress?

As the wild waters of PageGate whirl wider round Washington Republicans, you have to ask can this really be the end of BushCo? As Huey Long said, "only a dead girl or live boy will finish me" and it seems we've got several of the latter here. While Chester the Molester Foley goes on his merry way into rehab and the inevitable lawsuits start getting filed (justifiably it should be said), I'm struck by what it says about our country and what we require of our leadership.

As a nation Americans will tolerate anything but S-E-X-ual misconduct of any kind. Truly S-E-X is the original sin of our body politique. We can invade a sovereign nation without cause (Iraq), lose a war we had already won (Afghanistan), let our own people die in a natural catastrophe, lose a major US city, create hitherto undreamed of deficits while continuing to cut taxes of the richest 1% of Americans, make the tragic medical condition of one poor woman a national political travesty (Terrt Schiavo), actually argue about evolution in the 21st century, allow corporate lobbyists to head government agencies, rollback most environmental protections and give radical christian fudamentalists a 6 year stomp on the seperation of church and state, and yet, it will be S-E-Xual misconduct that will finally bring BushCo down. This is not to say that this is a harmless peccadillo between consenting adults - quite the contrary. Foley is a sexual predator who deserves everything the law can possibly throw at him. But the revulsion that is now surfacing against the BushCo regime should have been exhibited so much sooner and for so many more globally important transgressions. I guess it's better late than never. And now that its happened I must admit the Blue Dress looks much better from this side than it did the last time we saw it.

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