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Monday, October 09, 2006

October Surprise?

As we move deeper into the election cycle and the scandals swirl with ever greater fury - Abramoff's abomination, Foley's folly, and of course the mother of all scandals, the BushCo Baghdad Blasphemy brought to the fore courtesy of Bob (paying down past sins) Woodward - we've all been waiting with great trepidation for the Rovian October Surprise. Well guess what? We got one - but not the one BushCo was planning. Seems that while the Last Crusader George the Chicken Hearted, Rummy Von Doom, and Condi, Madame Mendacity were fiddling in Fallujah, Kim Jong-Il wasn't content just to be the latest Atlantic Monthly coverboy. Oh no. He decided that now was the perfect time to lob a big atomic halloween pumpkin at the White House. Surprise! Now that's what I call ring & run!

Now let's see if we've all been paying attention: Bill Clinton engages North Korea, encourages South Korea's Sunshine Policy and nuke development is halted. Republicans blast him for being weak. And he got a blowjob. BushCo rides into town, all talks stop, the South Korean president is publicly rebuked for letting the Sunshine in, and one short State of the Union speech later - voila! 12 nuclear bombs in the hands of one of the most deranged, erratic, and meglomanical leaders of a modern nationstate. Outside of that guy in Iran. Oh wait, he's building one too. And they both fund terrorists for real. Hmm...weapons of mass distruction, funding for terrorists, dangerous leadership - so where does BushCo send our boys and girls? Iraq! But of course we're fighting them there so we don't fight them here. But now that they've got the bomb we better hope we don't fight them anywhere.

We create our own enemies. The laws of physics are quite clear - every action has an equal and opposite reaction. BushCo's actions have brought about his polar opposite in Iran - Ahmadinejad is the fanatical muslim Bush. KJI, not to be outdone is determined to prove he's the baddest man on the planet. Maybe he's the mirror opposite of DeadEye Dick. The worst fears of Oppenheimer have come to pass as the worlds most dangerous weapons are now in the hands of apocalyptic, fanatical, end-gamers: Communist, Muslim, and Christian. Trick or Treat!

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