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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Pretzel Logic?

What becomes more and more obvious to those paying attention is not only how dangerously divorced from reality is the Last Crusader but how truly dangerous his logic is becoming. It's "Fuhrer in the Bunker" time folks. As George Santayana said "Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim." Can you say "stay the course?"

In today's press beating he said that "This is a real challenge of the 21st century. I like to tell people we're in an ideological struggle. And it's a struggle between extremists and radicals and people of moderation who want to simply live a peaceful life. And the calling of this country and in this century is whether or not we will help the forces of moderation prevail. That's the fundamental question facing the United States of America beyond my presidency. And you can tell I've made my choice. And I made my choice because the most solemn duty of the American president, in government, is to protect this country from harm."

So let's parse this shall we? First we cannot be in an ideological struggle if we are truly there to help the forces of moderation. Which is it Last Crusader - are we in it to spread democracy as you said last year - a RADICAL doctrine - or to protect the moderates? If its the latter, than pre-emptively attacking their country without cause and possibly killing 600,000 of their people - an EXTREMIST action - puts the lie to that statement. And of course the final lie is the close: He's doing this to protect America from harm. How this follows from his previous statement is beyond me, but how killing close to a million people including American boys and girls is protecting us - when the threat is coming from everywhere we're not - challenges any definition of sanity I'm aware of. The moral and psychic damage George the Chicken Hearted has inflicted on our national character through war, torture, and the trashing of the international order will be devastating for at least a generation. Santayana sums it up best again: "To delight in war is a merit in the soldier, a dangerous quality in the captain, and a positive crime in the statesman." Hopefully the next election will see the start of bringing BushCo to justice and putting an end to the last Crusade.

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