The nexus between Art, Commerce, & Social Influence

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Market Lobotomy or A Con in Front of Me?

It's curious times we live in, no doubt. For over 2 weeks now as the news gets worse from Iraq the Dow flirts with historic highs. As we get closer to the day of reckoning for BushCo, oil is at its lowest barrel price in months. Corporate earnings are hitting all time highs as the Last Crusader's popularity hits all time lows. Is this just a coincidence? Is this just BushCo's corporate and Saudi cronies pulling strings to manipulate our vote? Is it, a through-the-glass darkly take on James Carville - It's the Economy Stupid? Not necessarily. Remember, this is Hippo Trotsky you're reading not MoveOn. As we're fond of saying if its a choice beween Machiavelli and stupidity, its almost always the latter.

But - what we do have is the final fruit of the BushCo fascist policies coming to fruition at the exact time it can do the least good in saving them. Think about it - wages are at all time lows, the cost of consumer commodities are at an all time low. Corporate earnings are high and given the war, there's a mini-boom going in defense, communications, and others in the Military Industrial Complex. The combination of tax cuts, corporate welfare, unnecessary warfare, and reliance on Chinese largesse and cheap goods (not to mention some reasonable action by the Fed to halt interest rate hikes) has all come together to give us a little bubble of speculative cheer. Now, had BushCo's illegal war been the success he and his fascist (state capitalists) supporters believed, he would have been crowned the Shah of Iraq by now and we'd have enough oil to keep this shell game running for ever - A thousand year republican Reich was at hand. But alas. He didn't reckon on two things:

1. His war, based on lies, was not winnable
2. His economy, based on debt and corporate welfare, is not sustainable

As the public is finally waking up to the horrors of the war, the chaos from N Korea/Iran and the GOP looks more vulnerable than ever, the economic bubble blown by incompetant BushCo is overheating and getting ready to pop. As long as the war keeps on and fear, uncertainty and doubt in the world is the order of the day, the clean-up will not be pretty or short. Hang on, we're in for a bumpy ride!

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