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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

We Won?

We won. Simple words. Short, sweet, and pregnant with meaning. But after the balloons and confetti are cleared and the champagne hangovers start to fade, the words are amended to - Holy shit we won. Anyone who's been following the US political landscape over the last few years has been painfully aware of the viscious reactionary nature of the US electorate. "Values" voters with paleolithic agendas such as anti-gay marriage, anti-stem cell research, anti-evolution, and the full endorsement of a fundamentalist christian agenda. Nothing's changed. And that is the significant detail that we must bear in mind as we go forward to clean up the tragic mess that BushCo and their minions have created. This was a vote against BushCo - not a vote for a progressive agenda. This was a much needed message against incumbants and one party rule - not a repudiation of "family values". Ken Mehlman (RNC Chairman) has already been making the rounds of the AM talk shows putting significant distance between BushCo and real republican Party values in preparation for 2008. You see, the last 6 years have really been an aberration - watch how they spin.

Yes our democracy worked - a day late, a dollar short, but the peaceful transfer of power is being accomplished at the will of the people. The bums have indeed been tossed out. Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the House and it looks like we will claim the senate as well. So yes - by all means, let's enjoy the day - the week even. But let's be focused on the fundamental issues still facing the country - a significant plurality of our countrymen refuse to use their native common sense and continue to reject fairness, equality, and science. Iraq is still burning, N Korea and Iran are still churning, and loving people now can't get married in seven more states.

Whoo hoo! We won

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