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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Smells Like Victory?

It's been awhile since the Hippo's been tapping the keys and so much has happened since the election! Frank Rich, Keith Olbermann, Paul Krugman, and Matt Lauer(!?!) have been doing an outstanding job keeping us all informed that there just wasn't much to add...

Rhummy Von Doom has gone the way of all spectacular failures, to the ash heap of history - without even a whimper. Truly has any ending ever been more anti-climatic? Of course, you could see it coming when before the election the Last Crusader steadfastly asserted that RVD would be there to the end. Should've seen it coming - a perfectly executed "Heckuva Job Brownie" Judas Kiss. Given the death, destruction, and diminishment incurred by this man's incompetence and stubborn refusal to be guided by "facts" the only thing left for The Last Crusader to do is give him the Medal of Freedom and be done with it - (or maybe remove Wolfowitz at the World Bank and let RVD have a shot - would certainly cement his status as the 21st Century MacNamarra...) Pity we spared a bullet...

So at long last Baker's Dozen has released their findings. Guess what? Invading Iraq was a mistake. Has ever so many people waited so long for so little? Really if the Democrats have been basing their Iraq strategy on what this bunch of old Caucasians (sorry Vernon Jordan) cobbled together, then they're on as safe ground as John Kerry without a script. Yes, they called the baby ugly, and they used the F word - as in failure. But there were no firm demands for retrenchment. No timelines. In fact this report had as much teeth as Sandra Day O'Connor. Of course, the more attention paid to the report the more angry Chicken George becomes. The melt-down is now palpable. The words keep falling from those twitching lips, the fingers snap, the sweat builds, the eyes open, but the magician can't make the body disappear anymore and the audience is getting restless. Victory indeed.

While everyone with sense and an understanding of history has been shouting this truth to the heavens for years, the rest of the country is coming to terms with the fact that labels such as the worst president in history, stupid, incompetent, moron, etc., - pale before the awful truth. George W Bush is responsible for the worst global catastrophe since Hitler. The parallels are stunning - an aimless, ignorant, incurious, reactionary cipher guided by a fanatical belief in his own destiny combined with a messianic mission from god to be accomplished by force of arms and we have a stunning re-occurrence. Add nuclear arms, oil, and Islamic fundamentalism and we now have a situation that could make the slaughter of the 1930's seem like a garden party. George W. Bush single-handedly ended the American Century at the exact moment it seemed ready to go on forever. And now, even he knows it. And that is the scariest thing of all - this man has his hands on the button. What visions of gotterdammerung are running through his diseased mind as the end looms large?

The time has come for the other branches of government to take control as the founding fathers intended. We are facing a catastrophe unparalleled in our short history and so need to take drastic action. This man needs to be removed from power by whatever means available. The bottom line is that victory in any form is no longer possible in Iraq or for that matter, Afghanistan. The time has come for us to take matters in hand and force our representatives to keep us safe from the only threat that really matters right now - George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Alberto Gonzalez, Michael Chertoff, and the whole horrific lot of them. Write your congressman - demand impeachment! We must act now or we're all complicit on what happens next...

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